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Just because my status is "Single"... doesn't mean I am ''Available'.. It's just that my family members are in my friends list on Facebook.

 Dear FACEBOOK! Don't show us so much attitude, You can't even Sign Up without us Yours Sincerely: Msn, Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail :P

 If you feel a bit lonely, forgotten, or just need someone to cheer you up, remember, you can always change your birthday on Facebook :-P

 Awesome moment is when you reading someone's status and you know its for you.... :-)

Nokia Connecting People.... Facebook connecting Fake People :D

 Dear Facebook, Don't feel proud about your popularity 60% of your profiles are fake ! :P

 Stealing other people's statuses on Facebook is called a Facelift.

 Facebook is in relationship with youtube..:-P

 Just because my status is "Single"... doesn't mean I am 'Available'.. It's just that my family members are in my friends list on Facebook.

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