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If your relationship status says, "It's complicated" you should stop kidding yourself and change it to "Single" :)

 The first thing we think when someone takes a photo of us..Will it look good on Facebook ? ;) :P

 I hate when I look horrible in a group picture and the person that looks good refuses to delete it.

 SINGLE is not a relationship status. Its a word describing your loneliness. If you ask me, yes I'm SINGLE.

 It really sucks when the only status that comes to your mind is something you can't share :/ :P

 I hate studying for exams, Is there any fb APPLICATION for that?

 Whenever I See Your name in My notifications I Don't Know Why, I automatically Smile ... :):)

 Tell me what status should be if the person is single but also telling that he/she not available....?

 How Stories Will Begin In The Future "Once Upon A Timeline..." :D

 My Girlfriend ask me... Facebook or Me? Sometimes I really miss her.. :P :D

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