valentine day sheet 2017

valentine day sheet 2017 Cute Proposal Images, Pics, Quotes, Sms, message, Romantic Propose Day, Propose Day date, Propose Day Shayari, propose Day Whats app, Status, Dp. expresses true feelings and it's one of the best things that you can do with your inside heart. It's the best gift that you can Propose your loved ones and it's worth a million his/her.valentine day sheet 2017

valentine day sheet 2017
valentine day sheet 2017
I'm at God's house.

 This angel has flown away to church.

 CH_ _CH.. What's missing? U R.

 Temple, Church, Mosque, Gurudwara are the different addresses of the same resident.

 When you are spiritually uplifted, you can face the difficulties of life smilingly.

 It is very normal to love beautiful things, but very beautiful to love normal things.

 For external beauty we put on things, for real beauty we have to shed all things.

 Nothing can make us spiritual, we have to grow from inside, our soul is the best teacher.

 Suffering and undergoing hardship for the sake others is the sign of a great soul.

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